Best Value Escape Rooms Logo 50


In the Best Value Escape Room teams we have 3 different roles, being the creative team, the web designers and the testers.


The creative is a one person team … for now. Who know what he future has in hand.

I created my first Escape Room in pdf format in December 2022, it was an Escape Room that needed to be solved in order to find the location where I had hidden a X-mas gift. It was fun and a success … I made two different Escape Rooms for different family Christmas celebration. Then people (family) told me I should use my creative ideas in a professional setting. I did .. tested one out … great success. Did another one at a training. It worked. 

That is when I decided to create a few and sell them via a webshop. That is where I am now. Currently 5 Escape Rooms ready, 1 is almost ready and I have several ideas for a sequel. To be honest my head is full of ideas, I just lack the time to change the ideas into new escape rooms. So you all need to be patient. 

Making off the Escape rooms
The Webdesign team


This is a small team of only one person, and responsible for the web store. He is responsible for the looks and feels and challenges the creative team with his high standards. It turns out there is more required than an awesome Escape Room to be able to sell it.

So … yes; the web designer is also our sales executive.


This is a small team of only one person, and responsible for the web store. He is responsible for the looks and feels and challenges the creative team with his high standards. It runs out there is more required than an awesome Escape room to be able to sell it. So yes, the web designer is also our sales executive.

The Webdesign team


Everything we create will be tested before selling.

We need to know how hard an Escape Room is, get the errors out of the rooms, see if what we created actually works etc..

Just a few examples on what the test team discovered:

  • It is far better to play on a device, printing kills the experience
  • We need hints
  • That is way to hard
  • Dozens of miss spells.